You start by copying the icon to its own component file. As per the icon below.
The file below is copied from one of the icons from this
search result
export function HeartIcon(props: SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>) {
return (
viewBox="0 0 64 64"
d="M17.718 7h-.002c-6.814 0-12.18 3.957-14.723 10.855c-5.788 15.71 15.227 29.479 24.2 35.357c1.445.946 3.082 2.019 3.404 2.354L31.851 57l1.397-1.292c.232-.204 1.305-.891 2.342-1.555c8.605-5.508 31.459-20.141 25.402-36.318c-2.566-6.857-7.941-10.79-14.742-10.79c-5.744 0-11.426 2.763-14.313 6.554C28.955 9.75 23.345 7 17.718 7"
You can then import and render the components as shown below
import { HeartIcon } from './HeartIcon'
export function MyComponent => {
return (
<div className='flex items-center'>
<HeartIcon className="text-red-700" width='48px' height='48px' />
<HeartIcon className="text-sky-700" width='48px' height='48px' />
<HeartIcon className="text-pink-700" width='48px' height='48px' />